Monday, August 19, 2019

I decided I'm not happy with the supplied in-line fuel filters.  I just feel like they can come off too easily.  So, I'm going to get a very similar filter, but it has barbs, so no way it's coming off.  The Rotax spec is for a 100 micron filter and this one beats that at 74 microns.  Another thing I like is that you can see through it to inspect the filter whereas the supplied ones you can't see the filter.  I ordered 4, so I'll have a replacement set on hand when the time comes.

With those filters I'm going to install them further up, closer to the selector, so that will make it even easier to inspect (as opposed to buried in the channel on the floor).

I also ordered Adel pliers that should make it much easier to put those clamps on.  Thanks Pascal!

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