Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I got all the Molex connector stuff figured out, so I went ahead and ordered all the parts I need.

As I mentioned previously, I'm going to install five 31-connection Molex XRC connectors, which is more than I need, but will give me lots of margin for mistakes and changes.

This is what I ordered:

(5) Molex 84510-0004 Plug
(80) Molex 84524-0012 Pin (goes into Plug)
(5) Molex 84511-0004 Receptacle
(80) Molex 84525-0025 Socket (goes into Receptacle)  NOTE: I had to order this from Digi-Key because for some strange reason the minimum order for this particular part is 3000 units (I double checked with Allied and they gave me the Digi-Key link).
(5) Molex 84506-0012 Panel Mount Hex Nut

Once I get all those parts I will start to connect the wires to them and install the Receptacles (random choice) in the sub-panel rib from the backside, facing toward the cockpit.

The plan is to be able to rivet in the dash/panel, plug in those 5 connectors, connect the Coax's for the COM and NAV and power it up...  OK, maybe there'll be some other connections to make - but my goal is to make it as straightforward as possible.

Meanwhile, the garage work will be starting soon....  In the meantime I can do a lot of the above work without access to the fuselage (do the panel end for now for example).

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