Friday, September 13, 2019

Mostly been working out all the wiring and filling out the connection spreadsheet (see below or on the Avionics & Electrical Page as they update automatically as I work on it.

The package from SteinAir is very complete with all the wiring harnesses for the engine.  Nice!
I just noticed this pic is upside down from how I took it.  Hope it doesn't make you dizzy. 😎

Also decided I'm going to get 5 sets of the Molex XRC connectors to install on the sub-panel rib.  This is way more than I need, but it will give me plenty of margin for wires I missed or future changes.  I'll post all the part numbers once I have that totally figured out (lots of options...).

Using those connectors (which I can wire up and install before installing the dash and panel) will make installing the panel WAY easier (and less stressful to think about!) as it will be largely plug-and-play.

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