Thursday, November 5, 2020

I know I haven't been posting much here, but things are starting to move down in Oklahoma.

Vergil has been flying nearly every day and working quickly through the required 40 hours.

He flew 4 hours 39 minutes this morning and you can see that flight and all the previous flights here.

The plan is to go down to Norman next Tuesday night, do my Flight Review and familiarization flying with Vergil on Wednesday and depart with Bob on Thursday morning.  Then it's a full day at the epic US Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH on Friday, departing there Saturday morning for the ~4 hour flight to 6B6 in Stow, MA.

Can't wait!


  1. Congrats! Such a great achievement. I've really enjoyed reading your blog. I hope you have many adventures in her!

    1. Thanks, Brett! So happy to be flying her. She flies great!
