Monday, November 16, 2020

Well, Sadie is home at 6B6!!!!  It was about 10 hours of flying over 2 days from Norman, OK.

On the first leg we stopped in Mount Vernon, IL for fuel and lunch, then it was on to Dayton, OH for an overnight.

Then from Dayton we did it non-stop to 6B6 in 4 hours 22 minutes, burning 28 gallons of fuel.  Our average fuel burn was about 6 gph and we trued out at 115 kts.  We had amazing tailwinds for the whole trip, with our ground speed reaching nearly 180 mph (155 kts)!

Thanks SO much to Vergil Caskey, Jean D'Assonville, Bob Zaleski, Midwest Panel Builders, and Mike Busenitz of STOL Creek (Rotax!) for helping me get it finished and home!!!  There's NOTHING like the aviation community.  Great people.

Here's a video my local EAA chapter (196) put together of the arrival in Stow (thanks to Michael Smith and Andy Goldstein!):

Some other great pics:

Sadie rode in the backseat. :-)