Sunday, November 29, 2020

Well, I addressed two of the top-priority issues and was able to get Sadie back flying today.

Issue #1 was the ADS-B's GPS source to the GTN 650 (so no ADS-B Out).  I suspected it was a bad cable/adaptors between the 650 and the antenna, so Midwest Panel Builders made me two new custom cables for the G3X and 650 GPS antenna connections.  In the process of doing all this, it was discovered that I was using the wrong Garmin GPS antenna for the G3X.  It has to be the GA 56 and not the GA 35 that the 650 uses.

Once both of those were addressed I took the plane out of the hangar and to my great pleasure, both boxes began acquiring satellites.

Issue #2 was that the flaps on each side were slightly off.  The left side was slightly up and the right was slightly down, causing a slight left rolling tendency.  I fixed that and it's much better.  I still need to address rudder trim because, right now, you have to jam your foot on the right rudder pedal to make it fly straight.  I'll be making a rudder trim tab this week, so hopefully, that'll be fixed too.

That's not right....

And that's not right....

That's better!

Why did I not know that these 3-blade coax cutters exist??  Makes it SO easy to cut the cables right!


Much better!

Anyone want a slightly used GA 35?  Great for GTN 650's!  If not, it's going on eBay...

So happy to see this....!

She flies! :-)


  1. What a beautiful Sling 4 - Love your paintwork - looks like you've really put a lot of love into her. Can I ask about the TCU Servo isolate switch? I own and operate a Sling 4 (Production built - serial 009) in South Africa - mine doesn't have that switch.....

    1. It's used in case of TCU Servo failure or malfunctions such as surging boost pressure. It's discussed in the Rotax 914 Operating Manual.
