Sunday, December 6, 2020

 I've been continuing to address some of the squawks for the plane.  This weekend I added a rudder trim tab, updated avionics databases, and tweaked the left flap a bit more (still a slight left roll, so I brought that flap down a bit more).

I saw this video on testing various spray can primers for aluminum, so I picked it up at the local ACE Hardware (how convenient!).  If I had known about this when I started the project, I probably would have gone with this vs. the Cortec primer, since that was so hard to obtain.

A few coats of that and it was ready (I got the rudder trim tab dimensions from BobZ).  20cm long x 4.5cm wide, with the bend at 1.5cm.

BobZ recommended this tape for attaching it.

Two strips of that (I couldn't find 1/2" wide of that exact product) and it was ready to attach.

That tape is crazy strong!  Should fly this week, so we'll see if that works to alleviate the right rudder needed at cruise.  After that, I'll paint it the matching red.

Updating all my databases!  Very easy!

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