Monday, December 7, 2020

Went over to the hangar tonight to check the alignment between the rudder and nosewheel and they definitely seem off a bit.

While the rudder shows a bit right (this is just how it ended up when I pushed it back)...

...the nosewheel shows a bit left...  At least eyeballing it with the towbar attached.  This means if the rudder were straight, the nosewheel would be even more left and pulling the nose left - hence the need for heavy right rudder in flight.  I may need help to do this, but the next chance I get I'll lift the nose (maybe not necessary) so I can straighten the rudder then I'll use some attached laser pointers to see how the nosewheel points.  Then I'll adjust the nosewheel pushrods to get it perfectly straight.  I didn't do any of the rigging - otherwise, it would have already been perfect... ;-)

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