Sunday, December 13, 2020

I've been trying to work down my squawk list, with the top item being the rudder/nosewheel alignment.

I assembled a simple laser pointer alignment tool and started working on the issue.

My alignment tool ready to go.

Taped to the sides of the tire and pointing down.

I dropped a plumb bob down from the tip of the prop spinner and marked it.  The rudder is perfectly straight in the back and you can see that the nose wheel is a bit to the left.  I loosened the jam nuts on the pushrods near the wheel but will need help loosening the ones inside.  It's just too tight in there for me to hold the pushrod and loosen the jam nut.  So, I'll need someone outside holding the pushrod while I loosen the jam nut.  I honestly don't know how anybody bigger than me can get under the panel at all.  Once the stick is installed, it's crazy tight under there.

I installed the plug that comes with the OptiMate charger so it'll be easy to plug it in whenever I need to (e.g. updating SW takes a long time, so you can just plug in the charger when it's doing that - it has a special mode for just that task).

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