Friday, June 3, 2022

Well, I'm definitely going to Oshkosh this year, but after much consideration, I've decided to not fly Sadie there.

With the crappy weather we've had over the last several months I've not flown as much as I thought I would and it's looking like a stretch to have my Instrument ticket by the time of OSH.  I really wanted to have that before flying the roughly 900 miles to get there.  Maybe I'm being overly conservative, but I consider that a virtue in flying, so I'm OK with disappointing some people with it not being there. 😎

I'll be there from Tuesday morning until Friday morning, so this time I WON'T miss the Sling Ding! 😁

Can't wait!!

When not flying in Sadie, I've been flying with my home simulator.  It's now a great setup using X-Plane, with a Garmin GTN 650 emulator from RealityXP on my iPhone and a physical device from RealSimGear emulating the Garmin GFC 500 Autopilot all running within the sim.  Using that with PilotEdge for practicing real ATC communications, I've got an amazing setup to make sure I have the buttonology (and comms) nailed down.  It even connects automatically to ForeFlight!

As you can see in this video it is super cool.  I'm still trying to get VNAV working though as most planes in X-Plane don't seem to support that autopilot functionality for some reason.  Apparently, people have gotten it working, but just not me yet...

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