This page is for entering all the info needed for building the panel for my plane. All related diagrams are at the bottom of this page.
6061-T6 Aluminum of 2.0mm to 2.4mm thickness (.09" is 2.286mm)
Panel Displays/Boxes/Components
GDU 460 (G3X Touch (1 10" Display))
GMC 307 (Autopilot Control Panel)
GTN 650 (Certified Navigator/Comm)
G5 (Backup EFIS)
iPad Pro (10.5") on right side
CO2 Detector (TBD)
Dock for the iPad (2nd option)
Dock for the iPad (2nd option)
Panel Switches/Handles
Airmaster AC-200S Electric Prop Controller
Manual Prop Pitch Switch
Manual Prop Pitch Switch
Flap Controller (see diagrams at bottom) ==> Will be a momentary switch for Up & Down.
ELT Remote Switch for Artex 345 [Already own]
Ballistic Parachute Pull Handle
Choke Push/Pull Handle
Cabin Heat Push/Pull Handle
TCU Bypass Switch
Choke Push/Pull Handle
Cabin Heat Push/Pull Handle
TCU Bypass Switch
TO/GA Button
Master Alternator (Alt/Off/BU) [VP-X]
Master Alternator (Alt/Off/BU) [VP-X]
Avionics Master [VP-X]
Didn't end up putting this in: EFIS PFD Power (On (up)/Auto (down)) (Set to "On" to bypass a completely dead VP-X)
Didn't end up putting this in: EFIS LRU Power (On (up)/Auto (down)) (Set to "On" to bypass a completely dead VP-X)
Didn't end up putting this in: EFIS Comm Power (On (up)/Auto (down)) (Set to "On" to bypass a completely dead VP-X)
Starter Boost Pump [VP-X]
Landing Lt [VP-X]
Taxi Lt [VP-X]
Nav Lt [VP-X]
Strobe Lt [VP-X]
Cabin Lt
Pitot Heat
Panel Indicator Lamps
Panel Indicator Lamps
EFIS Warning – Big lamp
Charge – Big lamp
Boost – Small lamp
Caution – Small lamp
Backup Altenator – Small lamp
Panel Jacks
2 Front Headset Jacks (on panel?)
2-Port USB (Stratus Charging Port
Panel Labeling (Other than switches)
Behind Panel Boxes
GTX 45R (Transponder/ADS-B In/Out)
GMU 11 (Magnetometer) [Already own and installed in rear fuselage] <== Far end of CAM Bus? As easy as putting a 120 Ohm resistor between the CAN Hi and Lo pins?
GEA 24 EIS (Engine Monitor)
GTR 20 (Remote Comm)
GAD 29 (Navigation Data Adapter). Interfaces GTN 650 to G3X)
TCW IBBS-12v-6ah Back-up Battery
Power Controller
Vertical Power VP-X Pro [Already own]
Motors, Servos & Sensors
GTP 59 (Outside Air Temp)
GSA 28 Servos (2 - Pitch and Roll) [Already own and installed. Need harnesses now]
GAP 26 (Heated AOA Probe) [Already own and installed]
Ray Allen T2-7A Electric Elevator Trim Servo [Already own]
Flap Motor
COM1 - Rami AV-10 on top of fuselage [Already own]
COM2 - Rami AV17 on bottom of fuselage [Already own]
ADS-B/Transponder - Rami AV-74 on bottom of fuselage [Already own]
GPS (External) Antenna - Garmin GA 35 on top of canopy (?)
GPS (Internal) Antenna
VOR [Already own and installed]
Artex ELT 345 [Already own and installed]
Stick Switches
Push-To-Talk (Trigger finger)
Autopilot Disconnect
Pitch Trim (Top of stick) [To VP-X]
Other Switches & Jacks
2 Rear Headset Jacks (behind rear seats on upright?)
External Lights
4 AeroLEFS Sunspot 36LX Landing/Taxi lights
2 Aveo Ultra Aurora Wingtip Pos/Nav/Strobe
1 Aveo Posistrobe Tail Pos/Nav/Strobe
Rotax 914 ULS
Switches to use:
Also interesting to consider:
Diagrams related to the panel
Panel design I did in Xpanel
The actual panel!
EDIT: I will be using the Rotax 914 (not the 915 as previously mentioned).
Panel design from SteinAir
EDIT: I will be using the Rotax 914 (not the 915 as previously mentioned).
Parachute Handle