Bought a couple of sheets of 6061-T6 aluminum. One .025" thick (mounting plate thickness) and the other .040" (other possible needs down the road).
The plate shape outline.
Cutting them out with my snips.
The rough cut.
And after filing smooth and scotchbriting.
Figuring out where the holes go...
And it's done!
Did an interview yesterday for my local paper and also taped a segment for the town TV station. It will all be online next Thursday, so I'll post links to it here. Very cool!
- Rivet the one on the step rib that needs special handling. OK, I've been putting this off..
- Finish drilling the holes on the bottom of the tip (will require moving the wing so I can get under it with a drill).
- Remove tip and install the light mounting plate and light and solder the wire connections.
- Tip riveted in place.
- Composite filler for join between wing tip and skins. Perhaps other seams can use some filler?
- Put the aileron and flap on the wing to check for straightness of the trailing edge (Thanks Peter, I saw that on your blog! ;-)). Based on what I'm reading online it seems likely that I'll need to re-rivet some of the aileron/flaps to line up the trailing edges... Wish I knew this before I had riveted them...
- Finish right wing.
- Finally finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
- Fill rivets of elevator with Bondo.