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Saturday, May 14, 2016

2 hrs. sanding the filler on the tip, filling some more rivets and contemplating the aileron...

Looking great after sanding.  There were a few small imperfections that I filled with some more filler and I'll sand those tomorrow.

There was a line of rivets that needed filling and I decided to use my previous method using painter's tape.  There's a certain psychological satisfaction doing it that way since you get a bunch of rivets done at a time.  After using both methods extensively I'm not really certain one way is quicker than the other...  They're just different..

I found out from Peter Calley that the small wing skin was supposed to go under the main wing skin (just aesthetics) so I put some filler at the edges to try and blend it in.  The instructions say nothing about putting it under.  Follow the instructions and this is what you get (putting that small piece is actually the very last instruction for finishing the wing). 

The aileron issue is starting to get me down...  The top skin does not pull forward as easily (at all really) as the other aileron.  I have no idea why.  I've drilled out even more rivets than I did for the other one.  The only area I can pull forward is at the close end as shown here and when I do that the skin warps further down as you can see.  I'll de-rivet all the rest of the top rivets tomorrow and see if that helps.  Grrr.....

  1. Sand filler.
  3. Finish sanding rivets.
  4. Rivet the one on the left wing's step rib that needs special handling (waiting to hear back from the factory on what to do with that hole).
  5. Finish one of the composite tips of the elevator.
  6. Fill rivets of elevator.

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